Our international clients always ask us for things they can do at home to improve their English language skills. They are, of course, with us to learn Business English. Still, naturally, they need to have an excellent foundation in general English as well. We always have lots of suggestions. Here are the ones that clients have told us have been very helpful and hopefully will help you. These are our recommendations.
Traditional Ways of Improving Your English
Firstly, try to surround yourselves and immerse yourselves in English. If you are home, cooking, cleaning, or doing house chores, put on the TV or the radio in English and have it on in the background. Passive listening can help you so much. Something we always recommend at Taylingual is watching the news. It is a great way to improve your English. The news in English is on every day, sometimes every hour on the hour, depending on what TV channel you are watching. Watching (or listening) to the news every day is excellent because the news channels repeat the same stories continuously. In that way, you become very familiar with the stories and the phrases they are using.
Another thing we love to recommend is reading. Reading is such an essential aspect of language learning and a great way to improve your English. You can read whatever you like. If you read a newspaper, you keep up with what is going on in the news and current events. Still, you can read fiction, non-fiction, industry articles, whatever you find most interesting. When you read, you are improving your grammar, vocabulary, and sentence construction all at the same time. You won’t even realize the improvements you are making. It is one of the great ways to improve your skills.
More Fun Ways of Improving Your English
For those of you who prefer less traditional options, you can watch plays or movies in English. Please do not use subtitles. Focus on listening as this sharpens your listening skills. We love to listen to podcasts on YouTube; there are many different ones on various subject areas to which you can listen. There are channels such as TED Talks which have discussions, talks, and presentations by experts on every topic imaginable. Finally, if you want to have fun and include the whole family, you can play word games. There are plenty of games like Scrabble and Bananagrams, which are educational and fun at the same time. Doing one of these every day can make an incredible difference to your language skills. Doing more than one will take your language skills to the next level.
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