< script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag() {dataLayerPYS.push (arguments) ;} gtag ('js', new Date()); gtag ('config', 'G-1RGLY1QYDJ'); How Technology Came into its Own during the Pandemic    - Taylingual

As you have seen during the last year, life has changed radically. Your “new normal” is entirely different from anything you have known. Even though it will end in the future, you need to adapt and make the most of the situation as it is.

Most people are or have been in lockdown for a long time. Most day-to-day activities are remote, with work, school, and even medical appointments taking place online. For most, technology has been a lifeline, allowing you to continue doing the necessary things in your lives.

In 1918, when the world experienced The Spanish Flu, phones were in their infancy and not nearly as widespread as they are today. There was little available to connect people locally or globally. People were unable to get news of their loved ones until it was over.

Advanced Technology Has Made Things Much Easier and Less Stressful

Today, in 2021, you are in the middle of a global pandemic. Still, you have the advantage of having advanced technology helping you through this exceedingly difficult time. While visiting and connecting with friends and family is limited, the incredible advantage you have is using technology such as Whatsapp, Zoom, and Facetime, to name a few. The options are endless. Connecting with your parents and friends across the globe is extremely simple. Seeing them in their living rooms, eating with them, watching weddings and funerals with them, and being part of their lives is a beautiful gift.

Technology is the key to all of this! It has also been a boon for those who want to learn or improve new skills. Current research shows that the number of adults (18 and over) taking online classes has increased dramatically since the pandemic started. The main reasons given were “more time at home to learn new skills or improve current ones,” “ease of connection,” and “convenience of online learning from home.”

Extra Time Means More Time to Improve Yourself and Your English Skills

People have more time and more flexibility since they are not commuting to the office. They see a real opportunity to self-improve while they have the time to do so, especially as they can do it from the comfort of home.

Take advantage of the extra free time you have at home while isolating. There is a real opportunity here to improve your skills.

One day soon in the future, the world will return to normal. But for now, you are at home self-isolating. There is no better time to taking advantage of the time available to advance the skills you already have.

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